Generational Conflict in the Workplace

Gen Z, although still young, are already making waves in the workplace. Members of Gen Z are working younger than millennials and with more education. Although age ultimately isn’t what separates Gen Z from past generations, it’s the culture. Currently 74% of hiring managers say Gen Z is the hardest generation to work with. Let’s see how to recruit and retain Gen Z below.

Gen Z is a generation built on events like COVID, raised with less certainty in their futures and their careers. Members of Gen Z quit and change jobs often, something that poses a problem for employers and employees alike. What’s happening though, what exactly are Gen Z doing or expecting that’s creating these divides?

For the most part, Gen Z demands a respect and clearness of communication that wasn’t previously expected. Values like teamwork, cooperation, and mutual respect are prominent while hierarchies and seniority are ignored. This can clash with past generations at times, but a lot of what Gen Z expects can be accommodated to.

Transparency, for example- transparency of wages, expectations, transparency of benefits. These are all things that all generations value but Gen Z more critically demands. The same goes for respect, specifically respect as equals, not built on hierarchy. Gen Z also enjoys the prospect of building a connection with their work. It’s rare for members of Gen Z to experience loyalty or allegiance to their job. Yet they still have a desire to get close to coworkers and to get to know people personally.

The generational clash happening in the workforce is prominent, but subtle. While employees fail to find their footing employers fail to accommodate. Gen Z is only growing in the workforce though, hitting 30% of the total by 2030. There’s a lot that can be done by then, but for now, this conflict isn’t going anywhere.

What You Need To Recruit And Retain Gen Z
Source: Abode HR