The value of many currencies around the world has plummeted in recent months. The economies of several countries have been struggling, and there are indications that a recession may be on the horizon.
In fact, the United States itself is on track to experience its worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. The value of the US dollar has fallen by nearly 10 percent since last year alone, and experts predict that it will continue to decline over the next few years as long as our economy continues to falter.
The European Union’s economy is also struggling, its currency has lost almost 20 percent of its value in just one year alone. This trend is expected to continue as long as Europe’s unemployment rate remains high and its growth continues to lag behind other developed nations.
China’s economy is also feeling the strain of slower growth and lower demand for exports; its currency has declined by more than 15 percent since 2010 alone.
The global economy is in a precarious state. Plummeting economies, trade wars, and a potential recession are all on the horizon. This has led to a depreciating crypto value and cautious crypto investors.
As the crypto market is beginning to level off, crypto enthusiasts are always looking for ways to capitalize on the rising value of their investments, and many of them are turning to reseeding to bring their currencies back up to par with other coins. Reseeding is a way for investors to infuse new value into their existing tokens. This can be done by purchasing additional tokens at a discounted price and then reselling them at a higher one later on.
While it’s true that reseeding can be an effective way to increase crypto value, it’s important not to overextend the user’s ability when doing so. It’s very easy for crypto values to plummet quickly during periods of economic instability and if users are not careful about how much money they put into reseeding, users could lose more than half of what they originally invested!
For this reason, cautious investors are often advised against reseeding altogether—but if users are willing to take some risks and have some financial cushion, reseeding could be a great option!
Thus, it is important for traders to keep track of the prices of various coins and get an accurate comparison of the value of multiple coins to know which of those holds stability and assurance of growth to determine whether that coin is the right one to invest in at the time. Here, a crypto price converter comes in handy for traders to get effortless conversions of different cryptocurrencies.
Make effortless crypto conversions
AMBCrypto’s global crypto converter is a simple tool that offers an easy-to-use interface for traders to carry out seamless crypto conversions. Users need to select the currency’s name on either side of the chart and enter the number in the space provided, the converted price will be displayed in less than a second.
The interface of this platform is very simple, and users don’t need to have knowledge about conversion to be able to use it. The site also makes it easy for people to convert their cryptocurrency by listing the most recent coin conversions made using the site.
The global crypto converter is very fast as AMBCrypto is using highly scalable servers that are able to process any conversion within ⅛ of a second. A notable feature of this converter is that conversions like crypto to crypto and fiat to fiat are available which are features other converters in the space lack.
The conversion page also provides useful data like the price difference of currencies in the last 30 days and the historical price difference of various coins, so that users can have a better understanding of the pair strengths of different coins.
The global crypto converter uses the average prices of all the DEX and CEX to provide realistic conversion rates. To ensure error-free results, the converter uses the fastest APIs, gets data from a few data points, and runs very few calculations in the backend. This guarantees accurate conversion results every time.
In version 2.0 of the global crypto converter, the platform will add the option to get the price of several other currencies altogether.