Can Cats Have Poppy Seeds

Poppy seeds are a favorite treat of cats, but they can cause serious harm to them. Poppy seeds may not seem harmful to humans, but they contain small amounts of opium and morphine that are toxic to cats. This article will discuss whether or not it is safe for your cat to eat poppy seed-containing foods.

 What Are Poppy Seeds?

Poppy seeds are the small, grayish-brown seeds of the opium poppy plant. The seeds contain opiates and can be used to make opium and heroin.

Many people eat poppy seeds in baked goods and other food products. These people do not worry about becoming addicted to opiates because the amount of opiates in a typical serving of poppy seeds is very small (about 1 or 2 grams).

Poppy seeds are the tiny, light brown seeds of the opium poppy plant (Papaver somniferum). They’re harvested from dried pods on the plant and can be used in cooking or made into tea. They’re also used in baking, especially to make pastries like muffins and bagels.

The seeds contain trace amounts of opiates called alkaloids, which include morphine and codeine. These compounds can produce mild effects when ingested by humans — but they’re much more potent in cats than they are in people.

But some people get into trouble with poppy seeds that they buy at the grocery store. If you have an edible product with poppy seeds, you can find out how much it contains by using this calculator: How Much Opioid Is in My Food?

 Can Cats Have Poppy Seeds?

If your cat likes the taste of poppy seeds and you’re willing to try feeding them some, go ahead — just make sure they don’t get too much at once. Too much papaverine can cause vomiting and diarrhea that’s potentially dangerous if it leads to dehydration because of its laxative effect

Poppy seeds are the seeds of the opium poppy and are often used in baking. The seeds have a small amount of opium in them, but not enough to cause physical harm to your cat. However, there could be some side effects after eating poppy seeds that you should be aware of.

Can Cats Have Poppy Seeds?

  • Poppy seeds are safe for cats to eat in small amounts. However, they can cause some side effects, including:
  • Difficulty breathing (dyspnea)
  • Dilated pupils (mydriasis)
  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Seizures or tremors

 How Do People Use Them?

Poppy seeds are the dried fruit of the poppy plant, which has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years.

They have a mildly sweet flavor and are often used as a topping for baked goods like muffins and bagels. They can also be used in baking recipes like breads and pastries.

The seeds come from a variety of different varieties of poppy plants that produce different types of opium. The most common type of poppy seeds are from Papaver somniferum, or the opium poppy. These plants produce large amounts of the drug morphine, which is a natural painkiller that can be processed into heroin or codeine.

Poppy seeds are legal in the United States (except when they’re used as an ingredient in certain foods), but some countries have stricter rules on what can be imported into their countries. It’s important to check with your local government before eating them or buying any products that contain them.

The second risk of consuming poppy seeds is that they can cause severe allergic reactions in some people. The exact cause of this reaction is not known, but it may be due to an allergy to one or more components of poppy seeds. If you’re allergic to peanuts or tree nuts, you should avoid eating any foods containing poppy seeds because you could experience anaphylaxis (a severe allergic reaction).

 Is It Safe for Cats to Eat Poppy Seeds?

The answer is yes, they are safe — but only in small amounts. Poppy seeds come from the same plant as opium, and they contain trace amounts of opiates that can be dangerous to cats if eaten in large quantities. So while they’re not toxic per se, they can cause symptoms similar to opioid overdose in cats if eaten in large quantities.

These effects will be more apparent when large quantities of uncooked poppy seeds are consumed — especially by kittens. However, even small amounts can cause these symptoms in adults too if they’re not used to eating them on a regular basis.

Poppy Seeds Can Cause Opiate Poisoning in Cats

While poppy seeds themselves aren’t toxic per se, they contain trace amounts of opiates that can cause symptoms similar to opioid overdose in cats if ingested in large quantities. Signs may include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Restlessness or agitation (tremors)
  • Hyperthermia (high body temperature)

 Poppy Seed Danger for Pet Birds

Poppy seeds are a popular treat for both birds and humans. They have a sweet, nutty flavor and can be sprinkled on top of many dishes. However, they can also be dangerous if consumed by pet birds.

The poppy seed is the seed of the opium poppy plant, which is a common ornamental flower grown in gardens. The seeds contain small amounts of opium and morphine, which are very addictive to humans but less so to birds.

However, all parts of the plant are poisonous to pets, including the seeds and flowers. Consuming even a single seed can lead to severe health problems or death for some birds.

The problem with poppy seeds is that they contain opium alkaloids, which are found in opium poppies. These alkaloids can cause serious health problems in pets that ingest too many of them. Cats seem to be particularly sensitive to these drugs; even small amounts can cause seizures and death if ingested by cats.

 Poppy Seed Danger for Rabbits

Poppy seeds are a favorite treat for many humans, but they can be very dangerous for rabbits.

Poppy seeds are not considered poisonous to humans, but they can cause serious problems for some animals. Poppy seeds contain opium and morphine alkaloids that can upset the digestive system of pets such as cats, dogs and guinea pigs. The amount of opium in poppy seeds varies widely depending on how they were processed and stored.

Dogs are more sensitive to these substances than people are, so it takes less poppy seed ingestion for them to become sick. Dogs that have eaten raw poppy seeds may experience vomiting, diarrhea, depression and even death if enough of the substance is consumed.

Rabbits should never be fed poppy seeds because they do not process them well and may develop severe intestinal blockage or kidney failure as a result of this lack of digestion.


If you think your cat has consumed poppy seeds, take them to the veterinarian. Poppy seeds may interfere with the drugs used to euthanize a cat, and if given enough poppy seeds, it can cause your cat to walk drunk and have difficulty breathing. It is best not to let them consume any poppy seeds.