Here’s What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Cannabis

When it comes to consuming cannabis, the options are not limited to just smoking or vaping. Many people choose to consume cannabis in the form of edibles, which are food products infused with the active ingredient called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). But what exactly happens to your body when you eat cannabis?

Unlike smoking or vaping, when you consume cannabis through edibles, THC is absorbed into your bloodstream through the walls of your intestines. However, the absorption process can be delayed, depending on various factors such as the amount of edible consumed and the presence of other food in your stomach. This delayed absorption can make it difficult to gauge the full effects of THC, which can sometimes lead to overconsumption and potential overdose symptoms, including panic, a fast heart rate, and anxiety.

Most edibles take around two to three hours to kick in, and the effects can last for six or more hours. However, it’s important to note that the type of edible and the concentration of THC can significantly impact the potency and duration of the effects. That’s why it’s crucial to consume edibles mindfully and be aware of the regulations and labeling of THC content in the products you consume.

Key Takeaways:

  • Consuming cannabis edibles involves the absorption of THC into the bloodstream through the walls of the intestines.
  • The absorption process can be delayed, making it challenging to gauge the full effects of THC and potentially leading to overconsumption.
  • Most edibles take two to three hours to kick in and can last for six or more hours.
  • The type of edible and the concentration of THC can impact the potency and duration of the effects.
  • It’s crucial to consume edibles mindfully and be aware of regulations and labeling of THC content.

How Do Edibles Work?

When it comes to cannabis consumption, edibles offer a unique experience compared to smoking or vaping. Understanding how edibles work can help users make informed choices and manage their cannabis intake effectively.

When you consume cannabis edibles, the active ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) undergoes a different journey through your body compared to inhaling it. Instead of entering your bloodstream immediately, THC in edibles goes through your digestive system, where it is absorbed into your bloodstream gradually.

Once in your digestive system, THC is metabolized by your liver, converting it into a compound called 11-hydroxy-THC. This compound is more potent than THC itself and has a higher ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, leading to stronger psychoactive effects.

The concentration of cannabinoid receptors in the brain plays a crucial role in the psychoactive effects of THC. When THC binds to these receptors, it alters brain cell activity, affecting various processes and perceptions.

The effects of cannabis edibles typically take longer to kick in compared to inhaling THC. It can take anywhere from two to three hours for the effects to be felt, and the duration can last for several hours. Factors such as food intake, activity level, THC content, and metabolism can influence the absorption and potency of edibles.

Factors that affect THC absorption in edibles Description
Food intake Consuming edibles on an empty stomach can lead to faster absorption and a more intense experience.
Activity level Physical activity can increase blood flow, potentially enhancing the absorption of THC.
THC content The concentration of THC in the edible directly impacts the potency of the effects experienced.
Metabolism Individual metabolic differences can affect how quickly THC is metabolized and eliminated from the body.

What Are the Effects of Weed Edibles?

When consuming cannabis edibles, individuals can experience a range of effects on their mind and body. Many users report feeling a sense of relaxation and mellowness after consuming edibles. In addition, some may also notice an increase in appetite, dryness in the mouth, and redness in the eyes.

The specific effects can vary depending on several factors, including an individual’s tolerance to THC, the concentration of THC in the edible, and their metabolism. It’s important to note that some individuals, especially those who are new to THC or consume excessive amounts, may experience potential side effects such as paranoia or anxiety.

However, these side effects are typically temporary and diminish within a few hours. To ensure a positive experience with cannabis edibles, it is essential to consume them responsibly and exercise caution.

What Happens After the Effects of Weed Edibles Wear Off?

After consuming weed edibles, the effects will eventually wear off. It’s common to feel tired or sleepy, especially if you consumed a large amount of THC. Additionally, some individuals may experience grogginess the next day. However, it’s important to note that the duration of these after-effects is not long-lasting and should subside within a day or so.

Listening to your body and allowing yourself time to rest and recover after consuming edibles is crucial. Remember to prioritize your well-being and give yourself the necessary rest. If you have any concerns about the after-effects or if they persist for an extended period, it’s recommended to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and guidance.

After-Effects Duration
Tiredness or sleepiness Subsides within a day or so
Grogginess May last until the following day


When it comes to consuming cannabis edibles, it is essential to prioritize safe consumption and responsible use. Whether you are new to edibles or an experienced consumer, starting with small doses is crucial. By giving time for the effects to kick in before consuming more, you can avoid the potential risks of overconsumption.

Furthermore, paying attention to the THC content, labeling, and regulations of the products you consume is vital. Understanding the potency of the edibles you are consuming can help you make informed choices and avoid any adverse effects. It is also crucial to store your edibles in a safe place to prevent unintentional access by children or pets.

As research on cannabis continues to evolve, staying informed is key. Seek guidance from healthcare professionals if you have any concerns or questions regarding cannabis consumption. Your well-being should always be a priority, and making educated choices when it comes to consuming cannabis edibles is essential for a safe and enjoyable experience.