For over 6,000 years, humans have relied upon water transport pipes. Fast forward to modern America, with over 2.2 million miles of water pipes. These piping systems are comprised of steel pipes, Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipes (PCCP), and Ductile Iron Pipes (DIP). However, the widespread usage of water pipes can also incite problems for the nation.
Approximately every 2 minutes, a water main bursts in the U.S. In turn, the U.S. sees as much as 6 billion gallons of treated water lost every single day. The main culprit behind this waste is the types of pipes being utilized. PCCP and DIP have a longevity between 50 and 100 years, however, the upper end of this lifespan is scarcely seen. Issues of corrosion and difficulties in maintenance result in these pipes needing much more frequent replacements.Fortunately, a new solution has emerged.
Hobas’s Fiberglass Reinforcement Polymer Mortar (FRPM) pipes improve upon many of its predecessors’ flaws. It has a longevity of 150+ years and has the lowest carbon footprint of any piping system. On top of that, it can be easily installed into new water mains and existing ones alike. To bring America’s piping into the modern age, it is important to harness the benefits of FRPM pipes.