Reviewing Current Cannabis Legislation in the US

One of the hottest topics in recent years is the discussion around marijuana usage. With 42% of all states legalizing recreational marijuana, it is easy to foresee many others following the trend. The optimistic future for marijuana is made clearer when you consider the number of states that permit it in less potent forms.  Specifically, 48 states have approved either medical marijuana, CBD oils, or very little THC, leaving only 2 in complete prohibition.

This leaves marijuana in a position for slow and sustained progression via legislation, echoed by many analysts. As Paul Armento and Tyler McFadden claim, marijuana’s legalization is likely to further previous state-level legalizations and will eventually culminate in the legality of marijuana nation-wide. Key states where the expansion of recreational marijuana might take place in the near-future include Florida, Rhode Island, Ohio, Oklahoma, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and South Dakota.

On a national level, President Biden has already voiced his pro-marijuana stance for upcoming legislation. Accompanying Biden’s words, over 50 federal bills have been introduced as well as the pardoning of non-violent offenders convicted of marijuana possession. All the recent legislation makes it clear that marijuana has a place to stay moving forward. While the timeframe for legalized marijuana is currently unknown, its current success in legislative bodies is undeniable.

Cannabis Legislation by State