Is your tummy aching? Do you have diarrhea? You don’t need to eat something rotten or stale and get a tummy ache or diarrhea. The problem could be bigger than that.
Perhaps it’s something serious, and you are just trying to eliminate the pain and discomfort using lemon water and a hot water bag.
Going to the best Siddha hospital in Coimbatore is always an option to rule out any serious infection or disease. Yes, there are different gastrointestinal diseases that one may suffer from, which is why we have written this post just for you.
This article will share the most common gastrointestinal infections and what can be done about addressing them. Keep reading to find out.
1. Diarrhea
When your stool is watery, and the condition worsens, you have diarrhea. In this case, you may feel like going to the bathroom many times a day.
Watery stools are not a major problem, but having diarrhea can dehydrate your body and cause further issues. It also leads to disturbance in your daily life.
Diarrhea may also cause vomiting and frequent need to use the bathroom. It could also lead to pain in the stomach, and you will also feel a lot of discomfort throughout the day. If it lasts for more than a day, you need to meet a doctor and find out the cause.
The causes of diarrhea include bacteria, viruses, lactose intolerance, surgery, artificial sweeteners, etc.
2. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
You have pain, bloating, and cramps because of IBS. IBS is also known as an irritable colon, spastic colon, or nervous stomach. It’s a group of gastrointestinal conditions where you may get pain and constipation.
Food allergies or intolerances could be the cause of IBS. Treatment includes eating more fiber, but in some cases, the doctor may ask you to cut down on fiber.
Doctors may also tell you to meet a psychiatrist to get mental health help because stress could also cause IBS. Probiotics may be recommended too.
However, in most cases, IBS can be cured with a lifestyle and diet change. Probiotics can also help, but they are present in certain food items too. It is best to meet with a doctor and figure out what is causing the IBS and the best cure for it.
3. Constipation
Not being able to pass stool or not feeling the need to pass stool for several days can be alarming. This could be caused by a lack of liquids which is why you cannot pass stool conveniently.
Constipation could also be caused by a lack of exercise. Doctors may recommend you add more fiber to your diet as that can help in inducing stool.
If nothing works, you may have a serious condition that only a doctor can diagnose and tell you more about it. It could be related to your intestinal function. If there is any obstruction, the doctor may need to opt for advanced methods.
4. Piles
Getting bloody stool is the most alarming thing you could come across. The enlarged blood vessels in and around the anus could be painful, which causes bleeding.
In some cases, people don’t even realize they have piles. Pressure in the lower rectum could be the cause of piles, but you need treatment immediately.
If you find that you are spending a lot of time in the toilet and nothing is coming out of the anus, or you have chronic diarrhea, then it is best to speak to a doctor. People might find it difficult to go to a doctor and share the symptoms, but it is important to get immediate care and treatment.
Whether it’s internal or external, the doctor will check it and find the best solution for the same. A Siddha doctor will be able to help when you have piles or any digestive-related concerns.
5. Kidney Stones
You may not believe this, but kidney stones are a common gastric issue. When you get kidney stones, passing stool becomes a little difficult. But what’s worse is that you may experience excruciating pain while urinating. The stomach starts hurting a lot, and it is caused by the presence of stones.
Kidney stones come in different sizes and shapes. The bigger it is, the more pain the patient will have.
Some people get rid of kidney stones by increasing their water intake, else the doctor recommends certain methods to break down the little stones. For bigger stones, it is a lot more complicated. The doctor may have to remove the kidney stone from your kidney.
Concluding Thoughts
Don’t miss out on the signs, and go to a doctor if the pain does not decrease. You may also find blood in your stool or urine if something serious happens.
A doctor who is proficient in handling gastric infections or diseases will be able to give you the best advice.