4 Ways to Use Touchscreen Technology at a Wellness Clinic

4 Ways to Use Touchscreen Technology at a Wellness Clinic

Technology has become integrated into our lives in so many ways that no area hasn’t been improved by its use. One of the most significant changes has been in the medical field, where physicians and other healthcare providers use touchscreens as an essential component of their work. Patients can benefit from more convenient, interactive, and efficient healthcare. Here are four ways touchscreen technology is being used in a wellness clinic.

1. Improving the Patient Experience

Regular visits to the wellness clinic can be stressful for patients, especially when they feel like they are being forced to meet with an old-school doctor who still prefers the old pen-and-paper method of recording information. Using a touchscreen can help to improve the patient experience. They can take a quiz or quiz their doctor about their symptoms and receive instantaneous feedback about how well they did or how well their symptoms match what’s on file with other patients who have had similar issues.

2. Providing Greater Accessibility

Diverse patients with different physical needs are becoming more common in the healthcare industry. It can make sense for a doctor to place a tablet in the waiting room for patients who need more assistance than can be provided by an interactive touchscreen. The language barrier and other challenges patients face at the clinic can be alleviated by putting the tablet in a language most easily understood by the patient. Physically -challenged patients can also benefit from this, especially if their doctors are using the tablet to communicate with a patient representative.

3. Enhancing Communication and Documentation

Doctors who have grown accustomed to writing notes on paper can be reticent to change their routines, but working for a touchscreen technology clinic will make them more comfortable with the process. Making it easier for both the doctor and the patient to enter the needed information can make the whole visit more efficient, giving everyone more time to work on the solutions for health issues. Filing and storing data is also easier with a tablet and can provide a better platform for patients to share information. Wellness clinics can also increase convenience for documentation by using the touchscreen to keep track of data and billing. This can aid in following up on insurance claims.

4. Protect Privacy and Personal Health Information (PHI)

Patients who prefer to stay anonymous when they come to a wellness clinic are often wary of sharing their personal health information. A touchscreen can make it easier for patients to retain their privacy. Using an app that allows patients to store, share and access their PHI can be fulfilling and provide a better service than using an online method or pen and paper. With the ability to gather data and store it securely, not only is this a more efficient way to work, but it also protects patients’ privacy.

Touchscreen technology has many benefits that can help your patients better manage their health issues. Wellness centers integrating it into their workflows are positively impacting their patients’ health and well-being. Taking advantage of this technology can also provide you with a better understanding of your client’s needs and deliver a more targeted service to their unique health and wellness needs.