How to Grow Venus Fly Trap From Seed

The Venus Fly Trap is one of the coolest carnivorous plants which makes them a fun and interesting plant to grow. This article will tell you how to grow Venus fly trap from seed in an easy, simple way.

Venus Fly Trap Facts

Venus fly traps are flowering perennials that grow in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. They grow naturally in wetlands and can catch insects using their leaves. The plants are very easy to grow and can be cultivated indoors in pots or outdoors in natural areas with plenty of sunlight.

The Venus Fly Trap is native to the coastal plains of North and South Carolina. It prefers sandy soil, but also grows well in peat moss or other composts. The plant grows up to 4 inches tall and has a rosette of leaves shaped like a heart.

The leaves are covered with short stiff hairs that help prevent water loss and protect the plant from predators. When an insect lands on the leaf surface, it bends over, and snaps shut trapping the insect inside its digestive juices. After digestion, nutrients are absorbed into the leaf tissue before it opens again up for another meal!

 Soil & Location

The soil for your Venus fly trap should be well-draining, so it can dry out between waterings. Venus fly traps will grow in many types of soil, but it’s best if the pH is neutral or slightly acidic (between 5 and 6).

Venus fly traps grow best in full sunlight, but they will tolerate partial shade. If you live in a hot climate and want to keep your plant indoors, make sure the pot has enough drainage holes so that it doesn’t get waterlogged when watered.

Sowing & Planting Seeds

Before sowing your seeds, make sure they’re fully dormant — this means there should be no green color left on the seed pod at all, just brown/tan seeds inside. Also avoid any seeds that are shriveled up or have already started germinating (which will happen after about 2 weeks).

Once you’ve selected viable seeds, germinate them by washing off any dirt on their surfaces with water and letting them sit overnight in damp paper towels placed between two pieces of plastic

Planting Venus Flytrap Seeds

Venus flytrap seeds should be planted in spring or summer (after all danger of frost has passed). The ideal time for planting depends on where you live and what type of climate you have — consult your local gardening center for advice on when best to plant in your area.

While there are many ways to get started with growing Venus flytraps from seed, the most common method is to simply sow them directly into garden beds or containers filled with potting soil. You can also use starter plugs from your local nursery if you want to get an early start on things.

Before planting, soak the seeds overnight in water until they swell slightly and become plump (this helps them germinate more quickly). Sow a single seed per pot at a depth of 1/2 inch deep (or cover with potting mix) and keep moist until germination occurs — usually within two weeks.

 Venus Fly Trap Water

Venus fly traps require a high humidity environment. They do not like to be watered from overhead, as this can lead to rot and fungal diseases. Always water your Venus fly trap from the top, by placing it in a tray of water and letting it sit for several minutes.

The best way to water your plant is with distilled or reverse osmosis water. If you don’t have access to these types of waters, you can use tap water after it has sat out overnight so that the chlorine evaporates. Make sure that the soil is dry before watering again!

Venus fly traps require very little fertilizer when they are grown outside, but if they are kept indoors you may want to give them a balanced fertilizer once per month during the summer months (May – September).

Venus Fly Trap Light Requirements

Venus fly traps prefer indirect sunlight and will thrive in relatively low light conditions. A south facing window should be fine for most species, although some people have reported success with fluorescent lighting as well (see below). Venus fly traps that are kept indoors should not be exposed directly to sunlight at any time during the day because this can cause damage to their leaves, which will turn brown and begin to

 Venus Fly Trap Fertilizer

The Venus fly trap is a carnivorous plant that grows in bogs and wet areas with acidic soil. It is native to North and South Carolina, and it can be found in other coastal regions. The Venus fly trap can thrive outdoors, but it also makes an interesting houseplant. When grown indoors, it requires cool temperatures and high humidity. The plant will benefit from a bit of fertilizer, but keep in mind that too much fertilizer will cause your plant to grow quickly but not live as long.

  • Step 1

Place the seeds on top of the soil in the container. If you are planting several seeds at once, space them out so that they do not touch each other or they will not germinate properly.

  • Step 2

Cover the seeds with about 1/8 inch of soil or vermiculite if you prefer to avoid using potting mix altogether. Keep them moist until they sprout roots or leaves and then water normally after that point.

  • Step 3

Keep the temperature between 60 degrees Fahrenheit (16 degrees Celsius) at night and 75 degrees Fahrenheit (24 degrees Celsius) during the day for best results when germinating Venus fly trap seeds indoors during winter months when outdoor temperatures are too cold for germination

Transplanting Venus Flytraps

Venus flytraps are carnivorous plants that grow in bogs and swamps. They eat insects and spiders. When an insect or spider gets stuck in the Venus flytrap’s sticky leaves, it closes its trap quickly to protect itself from predators.

To grow your own Venus flytrap from seed, you first need to buy live plants. If you’re lucky, they will already have a few traps open on them, but this isn’t always the case. You can either buy plants that have been started in pots or directly out of the ground (as long as they don’t have any traps open).

Once you have your plant(s), place them in a shallow pot with drainage holes at the bottom. Fill the pot with peat moss or sand (or another type of soil if you don’t want to use peat moss). Make sure there is enough soil to cover all of the roots of your plant(s). Water them well, then place them in a bright spot where they will receive plenty of sunlight (but not direct sunlight).

Your Venus flytraps should start producing new leaves within a few weeks after you transplant them into their new pots. Once these new leaves reach about 3 inches long (7 cm), they should begin producing traps on their


It’s quiteasimple. Just follow this short tutorial and you’ll be well on your way to growing a beautiful Venus Flytrap for yourself!