Can Cats Eat Sesame Seeds

Have you ever wondered what the best food is for cats? Did you know that some foods can cause unexplained weight gain in cats and can put their health at risk? Cats are carnivores which means they require meat to survive and live a healthy life. But did you know that some cat foods contain sesame seeds? This can be dangerous for your feline if you decide to feed sesame seeds to your cat. So, what’s the best thing for your cat to eat, and does sesame seeds pose a threat?

Are Sesame Seeds Safe for Cats?

Sesame seeds are a popular garnish for Asian dishes, but they can also be a tasty snack for your cat. However, before you give your cat sesame seeds, make sure that they are safe for her to eat.

  • Sesame Seeds Are Safe for Cats

Sesame seeds are safe for cats to eat in moderation. They can be given as a treat or mixed in with food as a supplement. Sesame seeds contain many nutrients and vitamins that are good for your cat’s health, including calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron. They also provide protein and fiber.

  • Cats Cannot Digest Raw Sesame Seeds

Raw sesame seeds can be toxic to cats because they cannot digest them properly and may develop an obstruction in their digestive tract if they eat enough of them at once. As the seed passes through their gut undigested, it could cause an intestinal blockage that could result in death if not treated right away.

  • Cooked Sesame Seeds Are Safe for Cats

Cooking sesame seeds makes them easier to digest and reduces the risk of intestinal blockage caused by undigested seed passing through your cat’s digestive system. Once cooked, you can give cooked sesame seeds to your cat without worrying about them getting sick from eating too many at once

What Are the Benefits of Sesame Seeds?

Sesame seeds are seeds that come from the sesame plant. The seeds are small, oval-shaped and have a shiny brown color. They are used to make sesame oil, tahini and halva. Sesame seeds may also be eaten as a snack or sprinkled on top of food.

Sesame seeds contain many nutrients, including iron and calcium. They also contain healthy fats and protein.

Sesame seeds may help lower cholesterol levels and prevent heart disease by lowering bad cholesterol levels in the blood (LDL cholesterol). They may also reduce inflammation in the body.

The fiber content of sesame seeds helps lower blood sugar levels after eating by slowing down the rate of digestion and absorption of glucose into the bloodstream. This helps to prevent spikes in blood sugar levels after eating high-carbohydrate foods like breads or cereals made with refined flour.

 Are some sesame seed products better or worse than others?

The answer is yes, cats can eat sesame seeds. In fact, the seeds are actually a good source of protein for your cat.

However, there are some precautions that you should take when feeding your cat sesame seeds. Sesame seed products such as tahini and pita bread may cause more problems than other forms of sesame seeds such as whole seeds or seed oils.

Sesame Seeds Are High in Protein

Sesame seeds are high in protein and fat and low in carbohydrates. This makes them an excellent source of nutrition for your cat if you feed them whole or ground into a paste.

Cats are carnivores so they need animal protein to survive. Cats also need fat to support their brain function and maintain healthy skin and fur. The fat content of sesame seeds makes them an ideal food item for your cat.

However, sesame seeds contain high levels of calcium oxalate which can cause kidney stones or bladder stones in some cats. You should avoid feeding your cat large amounts of sesame seed if they have this condition or are prone to developing it.

Can My Cat Eat Sesame Seed Oil?

Cats can eat sesame seeds, but it’s not a good idea. Cats are carnivorous, meaning their digestive systems are designed for meat, not plant matter. If a cat eats sesame seeds, the seeds could cause an intestinal blockage.

Sesame Seed Oil

Some people think that sesame seed oil is safe for cats because it has a high concentration of lignans and phenols. These compounds do have some anti-cancer effects in humans, but they aren’t metabolized by cats. The phenols and lignans could also cause an allergic reaction in your cat if she happen to be allergic to them.

Cats Can Eat Sesame Seeds, But…

If you want to feed your cat sesame seeds as part of her regular diet, make sure they are organic and untreated with any pesticides or chemicals that might be harmful to her health. You should also cut them into small pieces so they don’t cause any intestinal blockages if your cat swallows them whole.

 Can my cat eat raw sesame seeds?

Sesame seeds are a common ingredient in many Thai and Chinese dishes. They can also be sprinkled on top of salads or baked into breads, muffins, and cookies. Unfortunately, sesame seeds can be dangerous for cats to eat.

If you suspect that your cat has eaten raw sesame seeds, contact your veterinarian right away.

The Problem with Sesame Seeds For Cats

Seeds contain a compound called hemagglutinin that can cause red blood cells to clump together. When this happens, it can lead to a form of anemia called hemagglutination-induced hemolytic anemia (HIAHA). This condition occurs when the red blood cells clump together and die faster than they should, which leads to low levels of oxygen in the body. Symptoms include weakness, exercise intolerance, pale gums, rapid breathing, and dark colored urine due to the breakdown of red blood cells (hemoglobin) in the kidneys.

The main concern with raw sesame seeds is that they may contain aflatoxins, which are produced by certain types of fungi that like warm climates such as southern China or Thailand where sesame seeds are grown

 Can my cat eat roasted sesame seeds?

Most people know that raw sesame seeds are dangerous for dogs and cats because they contain high levels of thiaminase, an enzyme that destroys thiamin (vitamin B1). Thiamin is essential for healthy heart function and nerve function in mammals, so if it’s lacking in their diets, animals can develop serious health problems over time. In fact, some pet food manufacturers add thiaminase as a preservative to ensure that their products stay fresh longer.


Sesame seeds are fine for cats because they are edible and nutritious. Whether or not a cat enjoys them is up to their own personal preferences, but sesame seeds aren’t poisonous to cats. In fact, in the right amounts, they can provide a healthy dietary supplement and potentially extend the cat’s life span.