The count down begins! Only 2 more days until 2015! What New Years resolutions are you making this year? Change can often be difficult if we don’t have a plan of action. Some of our favorite foods and the frequency in which we eat them can sometimes draw us toward them without us even thinking about it.
To overcome this “hard wiring”, create a plan. Consider the Good Decisions lifestyle where you allow yourself one splurge meal per week and choose to eat healthy foods the remainder of the time. Then prep your food for the week so you know exactly what each meal has in store for you. You will then be well prepared to create new habits that will replace old ones.
Be gentle with yourself and feel free to take baby steps. Making one small change and sticking to it over time is often a great way to approach a change in lifestyle. The sauce in my special New Year Eve recipe Smoked Salmon and Caper Rolls, for instance, is little more than homemade mayonnaise, yet it is delicious! Perhaps instead of buying store bought mayonnaise, you resolve to make your own!
If resolutions aren’t your thing, but you just want to eat better, we are here for you. Remember that Good Decisions… Most of the Time is a gluten free, soy free, and almost dairy free resource that will titillate your taste buds and make 2015 a successful and flavorful year!