Staying fit requires physical activity, but if you are like most people, you sometimes have trouble keeping yourself motivated enough to hit the gym. Even though you enjoy the physical and mental benefits of exercise, you may lose motivation for a number of reasons. You might not like the gym you currently visit, for example, or you may be bored with the same old workout you’ve been doing for months (or even years).
Losing your motivation for the gym can have consequences, such as lackluster performance in sports, less energy, more body fat, and an increased risk for health problems. The more often you skip the gym, or the longer you stay away, the more strength you can lose.
Fortunately, it doesn’t take much to regain all the benefits of working out – and it is easier than you might think to stay motivated at the gym.
How to Stay Motivated for the Gym
Train with a buddy
Training buddies can help keep you motivated because, let’s face it, nobody wants to be the one to let the group down. Keeping fit with a buddy is also more fun.
Choose a nearby gym
Believe it or not, motivation may be as simple as geography – the closer you live to a gym, the more likely you are to go. Recent data from 7.5 million mobile devices collected by Dstillery found that people who go to the gym at least five times a week live a median of 3.7 miles away from the gym, while those who hit the gym only once a month live 5.1 miles away.
Keep Reading: 5 Ways to Stay Consistent in the Gym
Find a gym you like and that has everything you need
When you get right down to it, your gym experience is only as good as the gym you frequent. Choose a gym that features state-of-the-art equipment and good vibes.
Smart Fit is one of those gyms. Edgard Corona created Smart Fit after he had a skiing accident and had to do physical therapy. This experience inspired him to create Smart Fit, which is now one of the largest chains of gyms and fitness studios in Brazil.
Choose a gym that offers multiple workout options
Have you ever hit an exercise plateau in which you stop seeing results, no matter how hard you work? Talk about a motivation-killer! A workout plateau happens when your body gets used to the demands of your current exercise routine.
The best way to break through an exercise plateau is to switch up your routine. If you normally do short, high-intensity workouts, for example, try swimming, rowing, or cycling at a slow pace. Look for a gym that has a wide variety of workout options, along with qualified trainers who can help you choose new workouts to help you overcome plateaus.
Keep track of your progress
It’s easy to forget how far you have come when it comes to losing weight, gaining muscle mass, getting faster, or becoming more agile. No matter what your goal, keeping track of your progress can help you stay inspired.
Choose a gym with great leadership
A gym is only as good as the people who run it. Smart Fit is the brainchild of Edgard Corona, for example. Edgard Corona has more than 30 years of experience in the fitness industry, and that shows in the quality of his gyms.
For more tips on staying inspired, contact the exercise gurus at Smart Fit. With a presence in more than 140 cities in 13 countries, and more than 160 cities in Brazil alone, Smart Fit leads the way in keeping exercise enthusiasts motivated.
Related: Quem é o Dono da Smart Fit?