As we move through our daily routine we are constantly exposed to a variety of temptations. We drive past Starbucks, McDonalds, and Dairy Queen, and then just when we reach the office and think we are in the clear, there is a box of donuts in the break-room. With all of these temptations it can be hard to trust yourself.
Avoiding temptation can be difficult in today’s world, so instead of blatant avoidance, perhaps consider moving into temptation. Am I crazy? It may sound so, but while avoidance may make things easier in the short term, it won’t give you the opportunity to face temptation and overcome. It won’t give you the opportunity to practice managing your emotions and gain confidence in your ability to self-govern effectively around food. It won’t give you the opportunity to trust yourself.
If this sounds scary, think of it this way, what’s the worst thing that could happen? So you end up licking the glass at the local ice cream shop, or sucking down a latte after losing in the heat of the moment. So what? The world does not end, and life will go on. Just wipe the chocolate off your face, smile and laugh out loud. Then get back to making Good Decisions…most of the time.
The more you practice, the more you will begin to trust yourself. If you cave in, listen for the voice of self judgment that wants to beat you up, and don’t take it too seriously. We all fail, and most of us live to try again. Those that try again instead of walking away build trust with themselves, develop confidence, and ultimately, if they keep trying, begin to master the task.
Have faith and trust in yourself. What’s the worst that could happen?